At Wright11 [545] {CSW/1/100} Dr Wright complained that many opcodes that were important to the functioning of script had been disabled by BTC. He gave the specific example of “OP_2MUL”.
As Dr Wuille explained at Wuille2 [12-15] {C1/2/3}, the opcodes in question (including OP_2MUL) had indeed been disabled, but they were disabled by Satoshi Nakamoto. Thus, Dr Wright was constrained to admit in cross-examination that the effect of the changes made by Satoshi was that if one of the disabled opcodes was used in a script, it would return a false result – so that any transaction that used it would be invalid {Day8/158:3-9}.
Faced with this contradiction between Wright11 [545] and the evidence of Dr Wuille, Dr Wright suggested that he had “pulled [these opcodes] temporarily” {Day8/157:17-18} and that this was a “temporary block” {Day8/158:15} and {Day8/158:24}. These suggestions cannot be true: the change had been implemented by Satoshi Nakamoto many months before he left the Bitcoin project, but also because OP_2MUL had not even been re-enabled in BSV at the time of Dr Wright’s cross-examination {Day8/159:16}-{Day8/160:6}.
The Developers invited me to re-read Wright11 [545-545.e] {CSW/1/101} with the knowledge that it was Satoshi Nakamoto that disabled OP_2MUL. They submitted that Dr Wright’s speculation as to why BTC might have disabled OP_2MUL is generally incoherent, pointing out that Dr Wright had misunderstood the piece by Gregory Maxwell to which he refers at footnote 284. In that piece (at slide 22) Mr Maxwell was noting that Bitcoin Script had once been much more powerful and noting that this was “not technically hard to fix”.
However the bigger point is that once it is understood that Satoshi Nakamoto disabled the opcodes, it is clear that Dr Wright cannot be Satoshi Nakamoto. If he were Satoshi Nakamoto, he would not be debating whether there was a possible justification for this change. He would be explaining why he made that change.
In short, Dr Wright’s ignorance of Satoshi Nakamoto’s imposition of limits on the size of script and ignorance of Satoshi Nakamoto’s disabling of opcodes means that he cannot be Satoshi Nakamoto.