BTC Core
The passage from the SEIR_C document set out at paragraph 745 above contains a second anachronism. It refers to the “Bitcoin Core client”.
As Dr Wuille explained at Wuille1 [50] {C1/1/2}, Bitcoin Core is the current name of the most commonly used fully-validating node software implementation. The name was introduced in March 2014 in version 0.9 of the software as follows {L8/467/2}:
“To reduce confusion between Bitcoin-the-network and Bitcoin-the-software we have renamed the reference client to Bitcoin Core.”
When considering what Dr Wright said when this anachronism was put to him, one needs to keep in mind that Dr Wright seems to use the term ‘BTC Core’ as a catch-all to refer to the Developers. In the BTC Core claim, he and his companies sued ‘BTC Core’ as the first defendant, but there has never been any evidence that such an entity exists, other than, perhaps, in Dr Wright’s mind because Wright11 is full of his complaints about what has been done or not done by ‘BTC Core’.
Dr Wright’s response was to suggest that:
The terminology of Bitcoin Core (capital B, capital C) had been used “multiple times” prior to March 2014 {Day8/134:24}, but there is nothing to support that contention. As Dr Wuille explained in his unchallenged evidence, the name was suggested by Gavin Andresen and was not used before version 0.9 of the software.
‘You adopted that name’ i.e. that “Bitcoin Core” (i.e. the first defendant) had adopted the name Bitcoin Core from something else/someone else {Day8/135:3-4}, but this was an irrelevant diversion.
The term “Bitcoin Core” was being used in the SEIR_C document in contradistinction to Simplified Payment Verification (or SPV) {Day8/135:7-8}. Even if that were the case, and that does not seem to be so from just reading the document (the document had been edited to say that SPV had not been modelled at that time – see footnote4 at {L3/237/7}), it still would not explain the anachronism.