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Mr Christen Ager-Hanssen


I introduced Mr Ager-Hanssen earlier (see [63]-[67] above).


Although Dr Wright asserted in certain answers in cross-examination that there was a conspiracy against him involving COPA and Mr Ager-Hanssen, COPA emphasised in their Closing Submissions that they have had nothing to do with Mr Ager-Hanssen and merely relied on material publicly available due to his disclosures. For all the reasons set out in this Judgment (see the next section in particular), I am satisfied this alleged conspiracy was another lie from Dr Wright in his attempts to deflect responsibility from his own forgeries.


I should add, for the avoidance of any doubt, that I have not relied or placed any weight on the reported conclusions of either Mr Ager-Hanssen or Mr Ayre. I have reached my own conclusions based only on the evidence and submissions I received during the Trial, albeit, as indicated above, I have also had regard to events which occurred during my case management pre-Trial.

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