Image 4
The erroneous version of Image 4 in Dr Wright’s White Paper LaTeX Files can be compared with the real Bitcoin White Paper as follows:
Left part of Image 4 from Bitcoin White Paper |
Left part of Image 4 from the White Paper LaTeX Files |
The comparison reveals two parts to Dr Wright’s error:
First, he had referred to the hash of Tx0 in the Merkle Tree as Hash01, when Hash01 was shown in the Bitcoin White Paper to be the combined hash of Hash0 and Hash1. This error probably arose when Dr Wright was adjusting his Aspose output in the manner described below.
Second, and as a consequence of the first error, the related text overflowed its bounding box.
Dr Wright spotted the latter error, but not the former. When the error in the content of the Merkle tree was drawn to his attention, Dr Wright’s evidence went through a characteristically illogical arc: concession {177:2-6, 11-20, 24-178:2}, confusion {177:7-10}, denial {177:21-23}, dissembling {178:3-179:8} and irrelevant/technobabble {179:8-18}:
177: 2 Q. And do you see that, in the second row up, above "Tx0",
3 the text "Hash01" overflows the bounding box, right?
4 A. I do.
5 Q. And that's obviously an error, isn't it?
6 A. Yes, in this version.
7 Q. Any other comments on that?
8 A. Not off the top of my head, no.
9 Q. Isn't there something rather strikingly obvious?
10 A. I don't memorise every part of my diagram, no.
11 Q. Okay, well, let's go back to the Bitcoin White Paper.
12 It's at {L5/26/1}. Let's go to page 4 of that
13 {L5/26/4}. Perhaps we could put that up alongside --
14 yeah, sorry. So, do you see, if we look at those two
15 things, in the original Bitcoin White Paper, which is on
16 the left, the error isn't one of overflowing
17 the bounding box, the mistake is that in your image,
18 you've identified the hash of transaction 0 as "Hash01",
19 right?
20 A. Yes. There's a typo in it, yes.
21 Q. And that is an error in your LaTeX code, right?
22 A. No, it's not an error in the LaTeX code, it's an error
23 in the diagram that's been introduced at some point.
24 Q. It's an error in your code. If we go to {L21/11.2/7}.
25 This is the code for image 4. Do you see, about ten
178: 1 lines down from the top, it says, "put(154.8, -548.3)"?
2 A. Yes, and I've typed in "Hash01" instead of "Hash0".
3 Q. Right. Because it doesn't make any sense to describe
4 the hash of transaction 0 as Hash01, does it?
5 A. It does in certain other versions of the document.
6 Q. No, no, no.
7 A. Well, yes, it does in other versions. This isn't
8 the only time I've used that.
9 Q. As a hash of transaction 0?
10 A. As I said, this diagram has been used in multiple
11 things, so where it says "Hash01", others were 00011,
12 etc.
13 Q. Oh dear.
14 Shall we go back to {L5/26/4}. You understand how
15 Merkle trees work, right?
16 A. Of course I do.
17 Q. Right.
18 So the way that they work is that you take a hash of
19 each of the transactions at the bottom, right?
20 A. Mm-hm.
21 Q. And a hash of transaction 0 is going to be hash 0,
22 right?
23 A. That's one way of naming. In a binary tree structure,
24 you could also do other structures and names. Now, in
25 my diagram, I've noticed I've put "Hash01" there and
179: 1 I've got an error in one of the versions, yes.
2 Q. Because it doesn't make any sense to refer to the hash
3 of transaction 0 as hash 0[1], because hash 01 is the hash
4 of both hash 0 and hash 1, right?
5 A. No, not necessarily. If you have Tx01 and you have
6 other naming, then it's going to be different. So
7 there's an error in my diagram because I've used it in
8 multiple things. So I know you want to sort of try and
9 make out that I don't know anything about this stuff,
10 despite the fact that we have -- BSV are now doing
11 1.1 million transactions a second on a public testnet,
12 which is about a million times what you guys can do, but
13 -- and actually faster than Oracle.
14 MR JUSTICE MELLOR: We're talking about the original
15 White Paper.
16 A. This is part of the original White Paper, my Lord.
17 I said it scaled undoubtedly. That's what I worked on
18 doing and that's what these guys want to stop.
That last ‘Teranode’ part of his answer is but one example of (a) how far Dr Wright strayed from the question and (b) his propensity to resort to technobabble by way of avoidance. In making that latter point, I am not disputing his assertion about his Teranode system, it is the fact that he resorted to it when it had nothing whatever to do with the question.
Although, in one sense, the error in Image 4 of Dr Wright’s White Paper LaTeX Files is relatively inconsequential, the fact remains that Dr Wright’s response to it evidenced his detachment from the real content of the Bitcoin White Paper. It also set the scene for his evidence about the images in the White Paper LaTeX Files.