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Image 2 from Bitcoin White Paper {L5/26/2}


There are certain anomalies with the coding of Image 2 in the Aspose blob:


colours are not identified by name (e.g. black), they are identified by number (e.g. color_29791);


font sizes are provided to unnatural levels (e.g. 7.144199 instead of 7 point);


unusual font names are used (e.g. usefont{T1}{uarial}{m}{n} instead of arialmt);


inconsistent line thicknesses are used (e.g. 1pt and 0.1pt).

Dr Wright acknowledged that it would be relatively easy to correct for these peculiarities of Aspose using a simple find and replace command {Day15/207-209}.


In any event, the coordinates of the lines from Image 2 are identified in the Aspose blob to a width of 0.1 point – a very precise level of accuracy {one point is 1/72.27 of an inch, i.e. 0.35 millimetres, so the coordinates are purportedly accurate to 0.035 millimetres: see {Day15/206:12-24}}.

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