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I agree that Dr Wright cannot plausibly blame Mr Ager-Hanssen or Zafar Ali KC for the .tex image files in his so-called White Paper LaTeX Files. That suggestion is flatly contradicted by Dr Wright’s own boasting about the technical artistry demonstrated by those self-same files set out in Wright11 and at [514] to [516] above.


Every single one of the .tex files in Dr Wright’s White Paper LaTeX Files is based on the Aspose blob.


Aspose blob reference

.tex file reference























In relation to Image 1, it can be seen from page 2 of the Bitcoin White Paper that the words “Verify” and “Sign” are in slanted text {L5/26/2}. Aspose’s output did not slant individual text characters; it placed each letter so that it ran horizontally rather than diagonally. The effect of compiling the Aspose output would accordingly be that the slanted text would be shown as a series of staggered horizontal letters, rather than slanted text. Dr Wright inserted new code for the slanted text at the top of the Image1 code {L21/20.2/1}. He would have encountered a difficulty with that code because his code set the position of the text relative to a specific point on the page. If he needed to move the slanted text he would have to change the coordinates – as a result he could not move the slanted text together with the rest of Image1: see the animation {L21/13} at Row 492. The Developers suggested it was a reasonable inference (and I agree) that that is why he replaced the .tex files with pdf images, as described in paragraph 481.4 above.


In short, as Counsel for the Developers submitted, it is clear that Dr Wright used Aspose to create his image files, sought to cover up his use of Aspose by placing the Aspose data in the ZZZ folder over which privilege was wrongly claimed and then concocted (probably with ChatGPT) a fantastical description in Wright11 of the supposed exceptional craftsmanship in the creation of the files which he then used to claim that only he could be Satoshi Nakamoto.

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