
  1. THE nine and thirty Articles are much another thing in Latin, (in which Tongue they were made) than they are translated into English; they were made at three several Convocations, and confirmed by Act of Parliament six or seven Times after. There is a Secret concerning them: Of late Ministers have subscribed to all of them, but by Act of Parliament that confirm’d them, they ought only to subscribe to those Arti∣cles which contain matter of Faith, and the Doctrine of the Sacraments, as ap∣pears by the first Subscriptions. But Bisho•Bancroft (in the Convocation held in King Jame’s days) he began it, that Ministers should subscribe to three Things, to the King’s Supremacy, to the Common-Prayer, and to the Thirty Nine Articles; many of them do not contain matter of Faith. Is it matter of Faith how the Church should be govern’d? Whether Infants should be baptized? Whether we have any Property in our Goods? &c.
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