Bishops before the Parliament.

  1. A Bishop as a Bishop, had never any Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction: For as soon as he was Electus Confirmatus, that is, after the three Proclamations in Bow-Church, he might exercise Jurisdiction, before he was consecrated, not till then, he was no Bishop, neither could he give Orders. Besides, Suffragans were Bi∣shops, and they never claim’d any Ju∣risdiction.

  2. Anciently the Noble-Men lay within the City for Safety and Security. The Bishops Houses were by the Water∣side, because they were held sacred Per∣sons which no body would hurt.

  3. There was some Sense for Commen∣dams at first, when there was a Living void, and never a Clerk to serve it, the Bishops were to keep it till they found a fit Man, but now ’tis a Trick for the Bishop to keep it for himself.

  4. For a Bishop to preach, ’tis to do other Folks Office, as if the Steward of the House should execute the Porter’s or the Cook’s Place: ’Tis his Business to see that they and all other about the House perform their Duties.

  5. That which is thought to have done the Bishops hurt, is their going about to bring Men to a blind Obedience, im∣posing things upon them [though perhaps small and well enough] without prepar∣ing them, and insinuating into their Reasons and Fancies, every Man loves to know his Commander. I wear those Gloves; but perhaps if an Alderman should command me, I should think much to do it: What has he to do with me? Or if he has, peradventure I do not know it. This jumping upon things at first Dash will destroy all: To keep up Friend∣ship, there must be little Addresses and Applications, whereas Bluntness spoils it quickly: To keep up the Hierarchy, there must be little Applications made to Men, they must be brought on by little and little: So in the Primitive Times the Power was gain’d, and so it must be continued. Scaliger said of Erasmus; Si minor esse voluit, major fuisset. So we may say of the Bishops, Si minores esse volue∣rint, majores fuissent.

  6. The Bishops were too hasty, else with a discreet Slowness they might have had what they aim’d at: The old Story of the Fellow, that told the Gentleman, he might get to such a Place, if he did not ride too fast, would have fitted their turn.

  7. For a Bishop to cite an old Canon to strengthen his new Articles, is, as if a Lawyer should plead an old Statute that has been repeal’d God knows how long.

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