CHristmass succeeds the Saturnalia, the same time, the same number of Holy-days, then the Master waited upon the Servant like the Lord of Mis∣rule.
Our Meats and our Sports (much of them) have Relation to Church-works. The Coffin of our Christmass-Pies in shape long, is in Imitation of the Cratch; our chusing Kings and Queens on Twelfth-Night, hath reference to the three Kings. So likewise our eating of Fritters, whipping of Tops, roasting of Herrings, Jack of Lents, &c. they were all in Imitation of Church-works, Emblems of Martyr∣dom. Our Tansies at Easter have reference to the bitter Herbs; tho’ at the same time ’twas always the Fashion for a Man to have a Gammon of Bacon, to shew him∣self to be no Jew.