Church of Rome.

  1. BEfore a Juglar’s Tricks are disco∣ver’d we admire him, and give him Money, but afterwards we care not for them; so ’twas before the Discove∣ry of the Juggling of the Church of Rome.

  2. Catholicks say, we out of our Charity believe they of the Church of Rome may be saved: But they do not believe so of us. Therefore their Church is better according to our selves: First, some of them no doubt believe as well of us, as we do of them, but they must not say so: Besides, is that an Ar∣gument their Church is better than ours because it has less Charity?

  3. One of the Church of Rome will not come to our Prayers, does that agree he doth not like them? I would fain see a Catholick leave his Dinner, because a No∣bleman’s Chaplain says Grace, nor haply would he leave the Prayers of the Church, if going to Church were not made a Mark of Distinction between a Protestant and a Papist.

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