WHen the King sends his Writ for a Parliament, he sends for two Knights for a Shire, and two Burgesses for a Corporation: But when he sends for two Arch-Bishops for a Convocation, he commands them to assemble the whole Clergy, but they out of Custom amongst themselves send to the Bishops of their Provinces to will them to bring two Clerks for a Diocess, the Dean, one for the Chap∣ter, and the Arch-Deacons; but to the King every Clergy-Man is there present.
We having nothing so nearly ex∣presses the Power of a Convocation, in respect of a Parliament, as a Court-Leet, where they have a Power to make By-Laws, as they call them; as that a Man shall put so many Cows, or Sheep in the Common, but they can make nothing that is contrary to the Laws of the Kingdom.