
  1. IF the Physician sees you eat any thing that is not good for your Body, to keep you from it, he crys ’tis Poyson; if the Divine sees you do any thing that is hurtful for your Soul, to keep you from it, he crys you are damn’d.

  2. To preach long, loud, and Damna∣tion, is the way to be cry’d up. We love a Man that damns us, and we run after him again to save us. If a Man had a sore Leg, and he should go to an Honost Ju∣dicious Chyrurgeon, and he should only bid him keep it warm, and anoint with such an Oyl (an Oyl well known) that would do the Cure, haply he would not much regard him, because he knows the Medicine beforehand an ordinary Medi∣cine. But if he should go to a Surgeon that should tell him, your Leg will Gan∣green within three Days, and it must be cut off, and you will die, unless you do something that I could tell you, what listning there would be to this Man? Oh, for the Lord’s Sake, tell me what this is, I will give you any content for your Pains.

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