Evil Speaking.

  1. HE that speaks ill of another com∣monly before he is aware, makes himself such a one as he speaks against; for if he had Civility or Breeding he would forbear such kind of Language.

  2. A gallant Man is above ill Words: an Exemple we have in the old Lord of Salisbury (who was a great wise Man) Stone had call’d some Lord about Court, Fool, the Lord complains, and has Stone whipt; Stones cries, I might have called my Lord of Salisbury Fool often enough, before he would have had me whipt.

  3. Speak not ill of a great Enemy, but rather give him good Words, that he may use you the better, if you chance to fall into his Hands: the Spaniard did this when he was dying; his Confessor told him (to work him to Repentance) how the Devil tormented the wicked that went to Hell: the Spaniard replying, called the Devil my Lord. I hope my Lord the Devil is not so cruel, his Confessor reproved him. Excuse me said the Don, for calling him so, I know not into what Hands I may fall, and if I happen into his, I hope he will use me the better for giving him good words.

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