Fathers and Sons.
- IT hath ever been the way for Fa∣thers, to bind their Sons, to
strengthen this by the Law of the Land: every one at Twelve Years of Age
is to take the Oath of Allegiance in Court-Leets, whereby he swears
Obedience to the King.
- THe old Law was, that when a Man was Fin’d, he was to be Fin’d Salvo
Con∣teneniento, so as his Countenance might be safe, taking Countenance
in the same sense as your Country-Man does, when he says, if you will
come unto my House, I will shew you the best Countenance I can, that is
not the best Face, but the best Entertain∣ment. The meaning of the Law
was, that so much should be taken from a Man, such a Cobbet sliced off,
that yet not with∣standing he might live in the same Rank and Condition
he lived in before; but now they fine Men ten times more than they are
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