
  1. THere are two Reasons, why these Words (Jesus autem transiens per medium eorum ibat) were about our old Gold: the one is, because Riply, the Al∣chymist, when he made Gold in the Tower, the first time he found it he spoke these Words [per medium eorum] that is, per medium Ignis & Sulphuris. The other, because these Words were thought to be a Charm, and that they did bind whatsoever they were written upon, so that a Man could not take it away. To this Reason I rather incline.


  1. THE Hall was the Place where the great Lord us’d to eat, (where∣fore else were the Halls made so big?) Where he saw all his Servants and Te∣nants about him. He eat not in private, except in time of Sickness; when once he became a thing Coop’d up, all his greatness was spoil’d. Nay the King him∣self used to eat in the Hall, and his Lords sate with him, and then he understood Men.
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