High Commission.

  1. MEN cry out upon the High Com∣mission, as if the Clergy-Men only had to do in it, when I believe there are more Lay-Men in Commission there, than Clergy-Men; if the Lay-Men will not come, whose Fault is that? So of the Star-Chamber, the People think the Bishops only censur’d Prin, Burton, and Bastwick, when there were but two there, and one spake not in his own Cause.

House of Commons.

  1. THere be but two Erroneous Opi∣nions in the House of Commons, That the Lords sit only for themselves, when the Truth is, they sit as well for the Common-wealth. The Knights and Burgesses sit for themselves and others, some for more, some for fewer, and what is the Reason? because the Room will not hold all; the Lords being few, they all come, and imagine the Room able to hold all the Commons of Eng∣land, then the Lords and Burgesses would sit no otherwise than the Lords do. The second Error is, that the House of Com∣mons are to begin to give Subsidies, yet if the Lords dissent they can give no Money.

  2. The House of Commons is called the Lower House, in twenty Acts of Par∣liament, but what are twenty Acts of Parliament amongst Friends?

  3. The Form of a Charge runs thus, I Accuse in the Name of all the Commons of England, how then can any Man be as a Witness, when every Man is made the Accuser?

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