Humane Invention.

  1. YOU say there must be no Hu∣mane Invention in the Church, nothing but the pure Word. Answer. If I give any Exposition, but what is ex∣press’d in the Text, that is my Inventi∣on; if you give another Exposition, that is your invention, and both are Hu∣mane. For Example, suppose the Word [Egg] were in the Text, I say, ’tis meant an Hen-Egg, you say a Goose-Egg, nei∣ther of these are exprest, therefore they are Humane Inventions, and I am sure the newer the Invention the worse, old In∣ventions are best.

  2. If we must admit nothing but what we read in the Bible, what will become of the Parliament? for we do not read of that there.


  1. WE cannot tell what is a Judg∣ment of God, ’tis presumption to take upon us to know. In time of Plague we know we want Health, and therefore we pray to God to give us Health: in time of War we know we want Peace, and therefore we pray to God to give us Peace. Commonly we say a Judgment falls upon a Man for something in him we cannot abide. An Example we have in King James, con∣cerning the Death of Henry the Fourth of France; one said he was kill’d for his Wenching, another said he was kill’d for turning his Religion. No, says King James (who could not abide fighting,) he was kill’d for permitting Duels in his Kingdom.
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