HUmility is a Vertue all preach, none practise, and yet every bo∣dy is content to hear. The Master thinks it good Doctrine for his Servant, the Laity for the Clergy, and the Clergy for the Laity.
There is Humilitas quaedam in Vitio. If a Man does not take notice of that Excellency and Perfection that is in him∣self, how can he be thankful to God, who is the Author of all Excellency and Perfection? Nay, if a Man hath too mean an Opinion of himself, ’twill render him unserviceable both to God and Man.
Pride may be allow’d to this or that degree, else a Man cannot keep up his Dignity. In Gluttony there must be Eat∣ing, in Drunkenness there must be drink∣ing; ’tis not the eating, nor ’tis not the drinking that is to be blam’d, but the Ex∣cess. So in Pride.