Imperial Constitutions.

  1. THey say Imperial Constitutions did only confirm the Canons of the Church; but that is not so, for they inflicted Punishment, when the Canons never did (viz.) If a Man converted a Christian to be a Jew, he was to forfeit his Estate, and lose his Life. In Valentines Novels, ’tis said, Constat Episcopus Fo∣rum Legibus non habere, & Judicant tan∣tum de Religione.


  1. SIR Kenelme Digby was several times taken and let go again, at last im∣prison’d in Winchester House. I can com∣pare him to nothing but a great Fish that we catch and let go again, but still he will come to the Bait; at last therefore we put him into some great Pond for Store.
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