
  1. FAncy to your self a Man sets the City on Fire at Cripplegate, and that Fire continues, by means of others, ’till it come to White-Fryers, and then he that began it would fain quench it, does not he deserve to be punish’d most that first set the City on Fire? So ’tis with the Incendiaries of the State. They that first set it on Fire, [by Monopolizing, Forrest Business, Imprisoning Parliament Men tertio Coroli, &c.] are now become re∣generate, and would fain quench the Fire; certainly they deserv’d most to be punish’d for being the first Cause of our Destractions.


  1. INdependency is in use at Amster∣dam, where forty Churches or Con∣gregations have nothing to do one with another. And ‘tis no question agreeable to the Primitive times, before the Em∣perour became Christian: For either we must say every Church govern’d it self, or else we must fall upon that old fool∣ish Rock, that St. Peter and his Successours govern’d all; but when the Civil State became Christian, they appointed who should govern them, before they govern’d by agreement and consent: if you will not do this, you shall come no more a∣mongst us, but both the Independant Man, and the Presbyterian Man, do equally ex∣clude the Civil Power, tho’ after a dif∣ferent manner.

  2. The Independant may as well plead, they should not be subject to Tem∣poral Things, not come before a Con∣stable, or a Justice of Peace, as they plead they should not be subject in spiritual things, because St. Paul says, It is so, that there is not a wise Man amongst you?

  3. The Pope challenges all Churches to be under him, the King and the two Arch-Bishops challenge all the Church of England to be under them. The Pres∣byterian Man divides the Kingdom into as many Churches as there be Pres∣byteries, and your Independant would have every Congregation a Church by it self.

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