INdependency is in use at Amster∣dam, where forty Churches or Con∣gregations have nothing to do one with another. And ‘tis no question agreeable to the Primitive times, before the Em∣perour became Christian: For either we must say every Church govern’d it self, or else we must fall upon that old fool∣ish Rock, that St. Peter and his Successours govern’d all; but when the Civil State became Christian, they appointed who should govern them, before they govern’d by agreement and consent: if you will not do this, you shall come no more a∣mongst us, but both the Independant Man, and the Presbyterian Man, do equally ex∣clude the Civil Power, tho’ after a dif∣ferent manner.
The Independant may as well plead, they should not be subject to Tem∣poral Things, not come before a Con∣stable, or a Justice of Peace, as they plead they should not be subject in spiritual things, because St. Paul says, It is so, that there is not a wise Man amongst you?
The Pope challenges all Churches to be under him, the King and the two Arch-Bishops challenge all the Church of England to be under them. The Pres∣byterian Man divides the Kingdom into as many Churches as there be Pres∣byteries, and your Independant would have every Congregation a Church by it self.