
  1. WE see the Pageants in Cheapside, the Lions, and the Elephants, but we do not see the Men that carry them; we see the Judges look big, look like Lions, but we do not see who moves them.

  2. Little things do great works, when the great things will not. If I should take a Pin from the Ground, a little pair of Tongues will do it, when a great Pair will not. Go to a Judge to do a Busi∣ness for you, by no means he will not hear of it; but go to some small Servant about him, and he will dispatch it ac∣cording to your hearts desire.

  3. There could be no Mischief in the Common-Wealth without a Judge. Tho’ there be false Dice brought in at the Groom-Porters, and cheating offer’d, yet unless he allow the Cheating, and judge the Dice to be good, there may be hopes of fair Play.

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