Law of Nature.
- I Cannot fancy to my self what the Law of Nature means, but the Law
of God. How should I know I ought not to steal, I ought not to commit
A∣dultery, unless some body had told me so? Surely ’tis because I have
been told so? ’Tis not because I think I ought not to do them, nor
because you think I ought not; if so, our minds might change, whence
then comes the Restraint? from a higher Power, nothing else can bind: I
cannot bind my self, for I may untye my self again; nor an equal cannot
bind me, for we may untie one another: It must be a superiour Power,
even God Almighty. If two of us make a Bargain, why should either of us
stand to it? What need you care what you say, or what need I care what I
say? Certainly because there is something about me that tells me Fides
est servanda, and if we after alter our Minds, and make a new Bargain,
there’s Fides servanda there too.
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