
  1. LEcturers do in a Parish Church what the Fryers did heretofore, get away not only the Affections, but the Bounty, that should be bestow’d up∣on the Minister.

  2. Lecturers get a great deal of Mo∣ney, because they preach the People tame [as a Man watches a Hawk] and then they do what they list with them.

  3. The Lectures in Black Fryers, per∣form’d by Officers of the Army, Trades∣men, and Ministers, is as if a great Lord should make a Feast, and he would have his Cook dress one Dish, and his Coach-Man another, his Porter a third, &c.


  1. THough some make slight of Libels, yet you may see by them how the Wind sits: As take a Straw and throw it up into the Air, you shall see by that which way the Wind is, which you shall not do by casting up a Stone. More solid Things do not shew the Complexion of the times so well, as Ballads and Libels.
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