THere is no Church without a Li∣turgy, nor indeed can there be conveniently, as there is no School with∣out a Grammar. One Scholar may be taught otherwise upon the Stock of his Acumen, but not a whole School. One or Two, that are piously dispos’d, may serve themselves their own Way, but hard∣ly a whole Nation.
To know what was generally be∣liev’d in all Ages, the way is to consult the Liturgies, not any private Man’s writ∣ing. As if you would know how the Church of England serves God, go to the Common-Prayer-Book, consult not this nor that Man. Besides, Liturgies ne∣ver Complement, nor use high Expressi∣ons. The Fathers oft-times speak Ora∣toriously.
Lords in the Parliament.
THE Lords giving Protections is a scorn upon them. A Protection means nothing actively, but passively; he that is a Servant to a Parliament-Man is thereby protected. What a Scorn is it to a Person of Honour, to put his Hand to two Lyes at once, that such a Man is my Servant, and employ’d by me, when haply he never saw the Man in his Life, nor before never heard of him.
The Lords protesting is Foolish. To protest is properly to save to a Man’s self some Right; but to protest as the Lords protest, when they their selves are in∣volv’d, ’tis no more than if I should go into Smithfield, and sell my Horse, and take the Money, and yet when I have your Money, and you my Horse, I should pro∣test this Horse is mine, because I love the Horse, or I do not know why I do protest, because my Opinion is contrary to the rest. Ridiculous, when they say the Bishops did antiently protest, it was only dissenting, and that in the Case of the Pope.