MOney makes a Man laugh. A blind Fidler playing to a Company, and playing but Scurvily, the Company laught at him; his Boy that led him, perceiving it, cry’d, Father let us be gone, they do nothing but laugh at you. Hold thy Peace, Boy, said the Fidler, we shall have their money presently, and then we will laugh at them.
Euclid was beaten in Boccaline, for teaching his Scholars a mathematical Fi∣gure in his School, whereby he shew’d that all the Lives both of Princes and pri∣vate Men, tended to one Centre, Con Gen∣tilizza, handsomely to get Money out of other Mens Pockets, and it into their own.
The Pope us’d heretofore to send the Princes of Christendom to fight against the Turk, but Prince and Pope finely juggl’d to∣gether, the Moneys were rais’d, and some Men went out to the Holy War; but com∣monly after they had got the Money, the, Turk was pretty quiet, and the Prince and the Pope shar’d it between them.
In all times the Princes in England have done something illegal to get Mo∣ney: But then came a Parliament and all was well, the People and the Prince kist and were Friends, and so things were quiet for a while. Afterwards there was another Trick found out to get Mo∣ney, and after they had got it, another Parliament was call’d to set all right, &c. But now they have so out-run the Constable—