
  1. IN case I receive a thousand Pounds, and mortgage as much Land as is worth two thousand to you; if I do not pay the Money at such a day, I fail, whether you may take my Land and keep it in point of Conscience? Answ. If you had my Lands as security only for your Money, then you are not to keep it, but if we bargain’d so, that if I did not repay your 1000 l. my Land should go for it, be it what it will, no doubt you may with a safe Conscience keep it; for in these things all the Obli∣gation is Servare Fidem.


  1. ALL those mysterious things they observe in Numbers, come to no∣thing upon this very ground, because Number in it self is nothing, has not to do with Nature, but is meerly of Hu∣mane Imposition, a meer Sound. For Example, when I cry one a Clock, two a Clock, three a Clock, that is but Man’s division of Time, the time it self goes on, and it had been all one in Nature, if those Hours had been call’d Nine, Ten, and Eleven. So when they say the Se∣venth Son is Fortunate, it means no∣thing; for if you count from the Se∣venth backward, then the First is the Se∣venth, why is not he likewise Fortunate?
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