
  1. OPinion and Affection extreamly differ; I may affect a Woman best, but it does not follow I must think her the handsomest Woman in the World. I love Apples best of any Fruit, but it does not follow, I must think Apples to be the best Fruit. Opinion is some∣thing wherein I go about to give reason why all the World should think as I think. Affection is a thing wherein I look after the pleasing of my self.

  2. ’Twas a good Fancy of an old Pla∣tonick: The Gods which are above Men, had something whereof Man did partake, [an intellect Knowledge] and the Gods kept on their Course quietly. The Beasts, which are below Man, had something whereof Man did partake, [Sense and Growth] and the Beasts lived quietly in their way. But Man had something in him, whereof neither Gods nor Beasts did partake, which gave him all the Trouble, and made all the Confusion in the World; and that is Opinion.

  3. ’Tis a foolish thing for me to be brought off from an Opinion, in a thing neither of us know, but are led only by some Cobweb-stuff; as in such a Case as this, Utrum Angeli in vicem colloquantur? if I forsake my Side in such a Case, I shew my self wonderful light, or infinitely com∣plying, or flattering the other Party: But if I be in a business of Nature, and hold an Opinion one way, and some Man’s Experience has found out the con∣trary, I may with a safe Reputation give up my side.

  4. ’Tis a vain thing to talk of a He∣retick, for a Man for his heart can think no otherwise than he does think. In the Primitive Times there were many Opini∣ons, nothing scarce but some or other held: One of these Opinions being em∣brac’d by some Prince, and receiv’d in∣to his Kingdom, the rest were con∣demn’d as Heresies; and his Religion, which was but one of the several Opi∣nions, first is said to be Orthodox, and so have continued ever since the Apo∣stles.

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