
  1. PEnance is only the Punishment in∣flicted, not Penitence, which is the right word; a Man comes not to do Penance, because he repents him of his Sin, but because he is compell’d to it; he curses him, and could kill him that sends him thither. The old Canons wise∣ly enjoyn’d three years Penance, some∣times more, because in that time a Man got a habit of Vertue, and so commit∣ted that sin no more, for which he did Penance.


  1. THere is not any thing in the World more abus’d than this Sentence, Salus populi suprema Lex esto, for we ap∣ply it, as if we ought to forsake the known Law, when it may be most for the advantage of the People, when it means no such thing. For first, ’tis not Salus populi suprema Lex est, but esto, it being one of the Laws of the Twelve Tables, and after divers Laws made, some for Punishment, some for Reward; then follows this, Salus populi suprema Lex esto: That is, in all the Laws you make, have a special Eye to the Good of the People, and then what does this con∣cern the way they now go?

  2. Objection. He that makes one is greater than he that is made; the Peo∣ple make the King, ergo, &c.

Answer. This does not hold, for if I have 1000 l. per Annum, and give it you, and leave my self ne’er a Penny; I made you, but when you have my Land, you are greater than I. The Parish makes the Constable, and when the Constable is made, he governs the Parish. The An∣swer to all these Doubts is, Have you agreed so? if you have, then it must re∣main till you have alter’d it.

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