PLeasure is nothing else but the in∣termission of Pain, the enjoying of some thing I am in great trouble for ’till I have it.
’Tis a wrong way to proportion other Mens Pleasures to our selves; ’tis like a Childs using a little Bird [O poor Bird, thou shalt sleep with me] so lays it in his Bosome, and stifles it with his hot •reath; the Bird had rather be in the cold Air: And yet too, ’tis the most pleasing Flattery, to like what other Men like.
’Tis most undoubtedly true, that all Men are equally given to their Plea∣sure, only thus, one Mans Pleasure lies one way, and anothers another: Plea∣sures are all alike simply considered in themselves; he that hunts, or he that go∣verns the Common-Wealth, they both please themselves alike, only we com∣mend that, whereby we our selves re∣ceive some Benefit. As if a Man place his Delight in things that tend to the common Good; he that takes Pleasure to hear Sermons, enjoys himself as much as he that hears Plays; and could he that loves Plays endeavour to love Sermons, possibly he might bring himself to it as well as to any other Pleasure. As first it may seem harsh and tedious, but after∣wards ’twould be pleasing and delightful. So it falls out in that, which is the great Pleasure of some Men; Tobacco, at first they could not abide it, and now they cannot be without it.
Whilst you are upon Earth, enjoy the good Things that are here (to that end were they given) and be not me∣lancholly, and wish your self in Hea∣ven.
If a King should give you the keep∣ing of a Castle, with all things belong∣ing to it, Orchards, Gardens, &c. and bid you use them; withal promise you that after twenty Years to remove you to the Court, and to make you a Privy Coun∣cellor. If you should neglect your Ca∣stle, and refuse to eat of those Fruits, and sit down, and whine, and wish you were a Privy Councellor, do you think the King would be pleas’d with you?