
  1. THey that talk nothing but Pre∣destination, and will not pro∣ceed in the way of Heaven till they be satisfied in that point, do, as a Man that would not come to London, unless at his first step he might set his Foot upon the Top of Pauls.

  2. For a young Divine to begin in his Pulpit with Predestination, is as if a Man were coming into London, and at his first Step would think to set his Foot, &c.

  3. Predestination is a point inaccessible, out of our reach; we can make no notion of it, ’tis so full of Intricacy, so full of Con∣tradiction; ’tis in good earnest, as we state it, half a Dozen Bulls one upon another.

  4. Doctor Prideaux, in his Lectures, several Days us’d Arguments to prove Predestination; at last tells his Auditory they are damn’d that do not believe it. Doing herein just like School-Boys, when one of them has got an Apple, or some∣thing the rest have a mind to, they use all the Arguments they can to get some of it from them: I gave you some t’other Day: You shall have some with me another time: When they cannot prevail, they tell him he’s a Jackanapes, a Rogue and a Rascal,

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