Priests of Rome.

  1. THE Reason of the Statute against Priests, was this; In the begin∣ning of Queen Elizabeth there was a Statute made, that he that drew Men from their civil Obedience was a Traitor. It happen’d this was done in privacies and confessions, when there could be no proof; therefore they made another Act, that for a Priest to be in England was Treason, because they presum’d that was his busi∣ness to fetch Men off from their Obe∣dience.

  2. When Queen Elizabeth dy’d, and King James came in, an Irish Priest does thus express it: Elizabetha in orcum de∣trusa, successit Jacobus alter Haereticus. You will ask why they did use such Language in their Church. Answ. Why does the Nurse tell the Child of raw Head and bloody Bones, to keep it in awe?

  3. The Queen Mother and Count Ros∣set, are to the Priests and Jesuits like the Honey Pot to the Flies.

  4. The Priests of Rome aim but at two Things, to get Power from the King, and Money from the Subject.

  5. When the Priests come into a Fa∣mily, they do as a Man that would set fire on a House; he does not put fire to the Brick-Wall, but thrusts it into the Thatch. They work upon the Women, and let the Men alone.

  6. For a Priest to turn a Man when he lies a dying, is just like one that hath a long time solicited a Woman, and can∣not obtain his end; at length makes her drunk, and so lies with her.

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