- AN Eye for an Eye, and a Tooth for a Tooth; That does not mean, that
if I put out another Man’s Eye, therefore I must lose one of my own,
(for what is he the better for that?) tho’ this be commonly received;
but it means, I shall give him what Satisfaction an Eye shall be judged
to be worth.
- TIS sometimes unreasonable to look after Respect and Reverence,
ei∣ther from a Man’s own Servant, or other Inferiours. A great Lord and
a Gentle∣man talking together, there came a Boy by, leading a Calf with
both his Hands; says the Lord to the Gentleman, You shall see me make
the Boy let go his Calf; with that he came towards him, thinking the Boy
would have put off his Hat, but the Boy took no Notice of him. The Lord
seeing that, Sirrah, says he, Do you not know me that you use no
Reverence? Yes, says the Boy, if your Lordship will hold my Calf, I will
put off my Hat.
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