
  1. CHrist suffered Judas to take the Communion. Those Ministers that keep their Parishioners from it, because they will not do as they will have them, revenge, rather than reform.

  2. No Man can tell whether I am fit to receive the Sacrament; for though I were fit the Day before, when he examin∣ed me; at least appear’d so to him; yet how can he tell, what Sin I have committed that Night, or the next Morning, or what Impious Atheistical Thoughts I may have about me, when I am approaching to the very Table?


  1. VVE can best understand the mean∣ing of 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, Salvation, from the Jews, to whom the Saviour was pro∣mised. They held that themselves should have the chief Place of Happiness in the other World; but the Gentiles that were good Men, should likewise have their Portion of Bliss there too. Now by Christ the Partition-Wall is broken down, and the Gentiles that be∣lieve in him, are admitted to the same Place of Bliss with the Jews: and why then should not that Portion of Happi∣ness still remain to them, who do not be∣lieve in Christ, so they be morally Good? This is a charitable Opinion.
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