TYthes are more paid in kind in Eng∣land, than in all Italy and France. In France they have had Impropriations a long time; we had none in England till Henry the Eighth.
To make an Impropriation, there was to be the Consent of the Incumbent, the Patron, and the King; then ’twas confirm’d by the Pope: Without all this the Pope could make no Impro∣priation.
Or what if the Pope gave the Tythes to any Man, must they therefore be ta∣ken away? If the Pope gives me a Jewel, will you therefore take it away from me?
Abraham paid Tythes to Melchize∣deck, what then? ’Twas very well done of him: It does not follow therefore that I must pay Tythes, no more than I am bound to imitate any other Action of Abraham’s.
’Tis ridiculous to say the Tythes are God’s Part, and therefore the Clergy must have them: Why, so they are if the Laymen has them. ’Tis as if one of my Lady Kent’s Maids should be sweep∣ing this Room, and another of them should come and take away the Broom, and tell for a Reason, why she should part with it; ’Tis my Lady’s Broom: As if it were not my Lady’s Broom, which of them soever had it.
They consulted in Oxford where they might find the best Argument for their Tythes, setting aside the Jus Di∣vinum; they were advis’d to my Histo∣ry of Tythes; a Book so much cry’d down by them formerly; (in which, I dare boldly say, there are more Argu∣ments for them than are extant together any where:) Upon this, one writ me word, That my History of Tythes was now become like Pleus’s Hasta, to wound and to heal. I told him in my Answer, I thought I could fit him with a better Instance. ’Twas possible it might under∣go the same Fate, that Aristotle, Avicen, and Averroes did in France, some five hundred Years ago; which were Excom∣municated by Stephen Bishop of Paris, [by that very Name, Excommunicated,] be∣cause that kind of Learning puzled and troubled their Divinity. But finding them∣selves at a Loss, some Forty Years after (which is much about the time since I writ my History) they were call’d in a∣gain, and so have continued ever since.