Things Indifferent.

  1. IN time of a Parliament, when things are under debate, they are indiffe∣rent, but in a Church or State settled, there’s nothing left indifferent.

Publick Interest.

  1. ALL might go well in the Com∣mon-Wealth, if every one in the Parliament would lay down his own In∣terest, and aim at the general good. If a man were sick, and the whole Col∣ledge of Physicians should come to him, and administer severally, haply so long as they observ’d the Rules of Art he might recover, but if one of them had a great deal of Scamony by him, he must put off that, therefore he prescribes Sca∣mony. Another had a great deal of Rubarb, and he must put off that, and therefore he prescribes Rubarb, &c. then would certainly kill the Man. We de∣stroy the Common-Wealth, while we pre∣serve our own private Interests, and neg∣lect the publick.
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