THere is no Prince in Christendom but is directly a Tradesman, tho’ in another way than an ordinary Trades∣man. For the purpose, I have a Man; I bid him lay out twenty Shillings in such Commodities; but I tell him for every Shilling he lays out I will have a Penny. I trade as well as he. This every Prince does in his Customs.
That which a Man is bred up in, he thinks no cheating; as your Trades∣man thinks not so of his Profession, but calls it a Mystery. Whereas if you would teach a Mercer to make his Silks heavi∣er, than what he has been used to, he would peradventure think that to be cheating.
Every Tradesman professes to cheat me, that asks for his Commodity twice as much as it is worth.