
  1. SAY what you will against Traditi∣on; we know the Signification of Words by nothing but Tradition. You will say the Scripture was written by the Holy Spirit, but do you understand that Language ’twas writ in? No. Then for Example, take these words, [In principio erat verbum.] How do you know those words signifie, [In the beginning was the word,] but by Tradition, because some Body has told you so?


  1. THE Fathers using to speak Rhe∣torically, brought up Transub∣stantiation: As if because it is common∣ly said, Amicus est alter idem, one should go about to prove a Man and his Friend are all one. That Opinion is only Rhe∣torick turn’d into Logick.

  2. There is no greater Argument (tho’ not us’d) against Transubstantiation than the Apostles at their first Council, forbid∣ding Blood and Suffocation. Would they forbid Blood, and yet enjoin the eating of Blood too?

  3. The best way for a pious Man, is, to address himself to the Sacrament with that Reverence and Devotion, as if Christ were really there present.

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