
  1. TIS not seasonable to call a Man Traitor that has an Army at his Heels. One with an Army is a Gallant man. My Lady Cotten was in the right, when she laugh’d at the Dutchess of Rich∣mond for taking such State upon her, when she could Command no Forces. [She a Dutchess, there’s in Flanders a Dutchess in∣deed; meaning the Arch-Dutchess.


  1. THE second Person is made of a piece of Bread by the Papists, the Third Person is made of his own Frenzy, Malice, Ignorance and Folly, by the Roundhead [to all these the Spirit is intituled,] One the Baker makes, the other the Cobler; and betwixt those Two, I think the First Person is sufficient∣ly abused.
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