
  1. THE Aristotelians say, All Truth is contained in Aristotle in one place or another. Galilaeo makes Simpli∣cius say so, but shows the absurdity of that Speech, by answering, All Truth is contained in a lesser Compass; viz. In the Alphabet. Aristotle is not blam’d for mi∣staking sometimes; but Aristotelians for maintaining those Mistakes. They should acknowledge the good they have from him, and leave him when he is in the wrong. There never breath’d that Per∣son to whom Mankind was more be∣holden.

  2. The way to find out the Truth is by others mistakings: For if I was to go to such a place, and one had gone be∣fore me on the Right-hand, and he was out; another had gone on the Left-hand, and he was out; this would direct me to keep the middle way, that peradven∣ture would bring me to the place I de∣sir’d to go.

  3. In troubled Water you can scarce see your Face; or see it very little, till the Water be quiet and stand still. So in troubled times you can see little Truth; when times are quiet and settled, then Truth appears;

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