
  1. THE best Argument why Oxford should have precedence of Cam∣bridge, is the Act of Parliament, by which Oxford is made a Body; made what it is; and Cambridge is made what it is; and in the Act it takes place. Besides Oxford has the best Monuments to show.

  2. ’Twas well said of one, hearing of a History Lecture to be founded in the University; Would to God, says he, they would direct a Lecture of Discretion there, this would do more Good there an hundred times.

  3. He that comes from the Universi∣ty to govern the State, before he is ac∣quainted with the Men and Manners of the Place, does just as if he should come into the presence Chamber all Dirty, with his Boots on, his riding Coat, and his Head all daub’d: They may serve him well enough in the Way, but when he comes to Court, he must conform to the Place.

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