
  1. A Wise Man should never resolve upon any thing, at least never let the World know his Resolution, for if he cannot arrive at that, he is asham’d. How many things did the King resolve in his Declaration concerning Scotland, ne∣ver to do, and yet did them all? A Man must do according to Accidents and E∣mergencies.

  2. Never tell your Resolution before∣hand; but when the Cast is thrown, play it as well as you can to win the Game you are at. ’Tis but folly to study how to play Size-ace, when you know not whether you shall throw it or no.

  3. Wise Men say nothing in dangerous times. The Lion you know call’d the Sheep, to ask her if his Breath smelt: she said, Ay; he bit off her Head for a Fool: He call’d the Woolf and ask’d him; he said no; he tore him in pieces for a Flat∣terer. At last he call’d the Fox and ask’d him; truly he had got a Cold and could not smell. King James was pictu∣red, &c.

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