HE that hath a handsome Wife, by other Men is thought happy; ’tis a Pleasure to look upon her, and be in her Company; but the Husband is cloy’d with her. We are never content with what we have.
You shall see a Monkey sometime, that has been playing up and down the Garden, at length leap up to the top of the Wall, but his Clog hangs a great way below on this side; the Bishop’s Wife is like that Monkey’s Clog, himself is got up very high, takes place of the Tempo∣ral Barons, but his Wife comes a great way behind.
’Tis reason a Man that will have a Wife should be at the Charge of her Trin∣kets, and pay all the Scores she sets on him. He that will keep a Monkey, ’tis fit he should pay for the Glasses he breaks.