
  1. THE Law against Witches does not prove there be any; but it punishes the Malice of those People, that use such means, to take away Mens Lives. If one should profess that by turning his Hat thrice, and crying Buz, he could take away a Man’s Life (though in truth he could do no such thing) yet this were a just Law made by the State, that who∣soever should turn his Hat thrice, and cry Buz, with an intention to take a∣way a Man’s Life, shall be put to death.


  1. HE that hath a handsome Wife, by other Men is thought happy; ’tis a Pleasure to look upon her, and be in her Company; but the Husband is cloy’d with her. We are never content with what we have.

  2. You shall see a Monkey sometime, that has been playing up and down the Garden, at length leap up to the top of the Wall, but his Clog hangs a great way below on this side; the Bishop’s Wife is like that Monkey’s Clog, himself is got up very high, takes place of the Tempo∣ral Barons, but his Wife comes a great way behind.

  3. ’Tis reason a Man that will have a Wife should be at the Charge of her Trin∣kets, and pay all the Scores she sets on him. He that will keep a Monkey, ’tis fit he should pay for the Glasses he breaks.

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