LET the Women have power of their heads, because of the Angels. The reason of the words because of the Angels, is this; The Greek Church held an Opi∣nion that the Angels fell in Love with Women. This Fancy St. Paul discreetly catches, and uses it as an Argument to perswade them to modesty.
The Grant of a Place is not good by the Canon-Law, before a Man be dead; upon this ground some Mischief might be plotted against him in present possession, by poisoning or some other way. Upon the same reason a Contract made with a Woman, during her Husband’s Life, was not valid.
Men are not troubled to hear a Man dispraised, because they know, tho’ he be naught, there’s worth in others. But Women are mightily troubled to hear a∣ny of them spoken against, as if the Sex it self were guilty of some Unworthiness.
Women and Princes must both trust some body; and they are Happy, or Un∣happy according to the desert of those under whose Hands they fall. If a Man knows how to manage the Favour of a Lady, her Honour is safe, and so is a Princes.
An Opinion grounded upon that, Genesis 6. The Sons of God saw the Daugh∣ters of Men that they were fair.