Can someone tinker her way into programming in the 2020s?

My answer is no. The attention economy has closed off a route that was available as recently as a decade ago. Background: I came across an unusually patient and helpful answer by adsy on StackOverflow, which led me to this article. After reading it, it struck me that the way people first experience computers and programming has transformed in the last 20 years. adsy got into programming the early 2000s. The dot-com bubble had burst.


Installing Jekyll on a Mac in March 2024

Why I wanted to run Jekyll on my Mac to see changes locally. Process Follow the quickstart guide on official Jekyll website Problem 1: gem install jekyll received no output. Solution: terminal helpfully warned that. You don’t have /Users/username/.gem/ruby/2.6.0/bin in your PATH, gem executables will not run. Problem 2: find the PATH Solution: (a) echo @$PATH``, (b) edit .bash_profile``` Problem 3: still no Jekyll Use the which command to find out why Jekyll isn’t recognised


Promises always return promises

I was trying to make a Promise object return an ordinary value (e.g. a number or a string), but failed. And then I realised that Promises are never intended to return values other than Promises. Otherwise how can one “chain” then with .thens? I can do what I wanted to do with this instead. // declare a variable without initialising it let newValue // declare and initialise a promise const myPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { resolve("foo"); }); // assign the value of the resolved promise to the variable myPromise.