Hugo deploy: struggle v choice

Given my familiarity with Vercel, I initially wanted to deploy my Hugo blog there. But the process was just too difficult. Following the official guide led to a webpage that displayed some, but not all, features of my theme. I tried a few troubleshooting tips from various sources, but without a deep understanding of how Vercel works, couldn’t find a fix. Online discussions seem to put the finger of blame on which Hugo version is used by Vercel: but without knowing the full context it was hard to get a feel for whether that is right.


Uses of grep: changing font size for a Hugo static website

Recently I wanted to adjust the font size of this blog. I already have a theme installed, so the choices are either changing something somewhere within the theme, or somehow overriding the theme. A simple Google query didn’t produce any straightforward results. StackOverflow answers seem limited to specific situations. Perplexity AI gave a solution along the lines of overriding the default theme with some additional files. An intriguing solution, but one that neither worked nor have any obvious support from Hugo DOcs.


Smalltalk: Step 2

Richard Kenneth Eng’s article recommended Learn Smalltalk with ProfStef, which was easy to follow even without full concentration. I wanted to try gnu smalltalk next, but unfortunately it was not yet available for Apple chips. Given that Pharo is available on Mac, the best next step is probably Pharo by Example 9 (updated 2022), which is freely downloadable here.


Max Datom levels 1 to 5

I heard about this game in a Clojure dojo and wanted to give it a spin. It is an interactive tutorial of Datomic, a databse assoicated with Clojure. While it is not a technology I am likely to use, the story line was engaging and I ended up spending a morning on it. My takeaway from levels 1 to 5 is the truism that, in broad outlines, database systems need to fulfill the same kind of tasks.


Notes on my first Clojure Dojo

Doing 4clojure for 2 hours, from problem 1 to problem 21 (nth element). 1 Everything is an expression in clojure. So are there any statements? 2 On the command line, `(6 7 8) is not the same as (6 7 8) because it is not evaluated. Similiar for :a versus a. 3 Searching and parsing the following expressions: (for [i (range 1 5)] i) (for [i (range 1 5)](* 2 i)) (do (for [i (range 1 5)](* 2 i))) (doall (for [i (range 1 5)](* 2 i))) (print (for [i (range 1 10)](* 2 i))) 4