Learn Next.js (up to Ch.7)

As related earlier, two projects I am joining uses Next + Supabase, so I need to get up to speed with them. The official Learn Next tutorial felt quite heavy going at first. But now (at Ch.7) I feel it actually strikes quite a good balance between a simple “toy” example and something more substantial. There is quite a lot of pre-requisites. For example, without some familiarity of React, a lot of the materials won’t really make sense.


More Clojure

With these resources (in chronological order): Try Clojure Exercism Clojure track ClojureScript Koans up to /#functions/9 So as to return to 4clojure at my next Dojo!


Display rate limit in Official Next + Supabase Quick Start

I need to familiarise myself with Next + Supabase, so used this (generally) very engaging official tutorial to get me started. However, I quickly ran into a problem. The “Log in” page has two buttons: “Sign In” and “Sign Up”. Because the “Sign in” button is green, I clicked on it without much thought. But, with no signed up, no one can sign in. A sensible error message, “Could not authenticate user”, appears.


Fireship.io: SvelteKit Full Course

I had a coffee with a Frontend developer on Monday, and he was telling me how he finds playing with Angular helped him understand React better. Another framework he mentioned is Svelte. It is something I always wanted to try out, so I decide to give the official quick start tutorial a spin. I started from the beginning and stopped at around the “bindings” part. It is a very easy framework to get the hang of!


Quick start v. quick deploy: Express + MongoDB Atlas

I had planned to follow these steps one after another to create a simple CRUD website with Express and MongoDB Atlas: run a “hello world” example on my local machine. deploying it to a common platform, e.g. Vercel. wiring up the deployed Express App to the Mongo Atlas database Steps 1 and 2 were fine. This official guide was helpful, even though I still don’t understand exactly why I need to remove the following line before deploying:-