As related earlier, two projects I am joining uses Next + Supabase, so I need to get up to speed with them.

The official Learn Next tutorial felt quite heavy going at first. But now (at Ch.7) I feel it actually strikes quite a good balance between a simple “toy” example and something more substantial.

There is quite a lot of pre-requisites. For example, without some familiarity of React, a lot of the materials won’t really make sense.

But with such pre-requisite knowledge, the materials become quite engaging.

Unlike (for example Svelte or Angular quick starts), Vercel (creator of Next) doesn’t provide an in-browser interactive tutorial. You have to download a starter directory and run things from your local machine.

But to compensate for the hassle of this, a lot of the steps are (at first sight) just copy-and-paste tasks.

The catch is that it is unobvious where you need to copy and paste, so you naturally skip back to the explanatory text and learn more of the background. It is a nice mix between classic puzzle solving and more expansive passive reading: a rare (and good) combination!

Furthermore, unusually for many local-machine starter-directory types of tutorials, this tutorial covers deployment and does it early (Ch.6 of 16). The deployment process is (unsurprisingly) very smooth, as the deployment is on Vercel.

Just looking at the titles of the later chapters, not everything in the latter part of the course is really relevant to me. But I will probably just follow to the end anyway to read all the text!