My aim is simple: on my deployed website, when a user enters her email to sign up for something, my website needs to send her a confirmation email, and also log it into a database.

So, how to go about it?

It is not hard to get a Next.js and Supabase working together on a local machine or when deployed. There is an official tutorial which is good but for a minor flaw.

It is also not hard to deploy Mailgun on a local machine.

But snags begin to appear when I put everything together.

When I modified the Next.js and Supabase repo to incorporate Mailgun, a mysterious difference appeared between the local environment and the deployed version. It didn’t help that the only tutorials I could find on a quick Google were using the older “mailgun-js” npm module, which is subtly different from the current “mailgun.js” module: so there were 30-40 minutes where I just had to bat away error messages one-by-one.

(This was however a good introduction to the importance of “use server”: something my eyes glazed over before.)

I could dig into it and find out more, but Vercel’s documentation does not mention Mailgun as one of the recommended providers. Which made me wonder at one point whether I should jump ship altogether.

Fortunately, this tutorial came to the rescue. The source code works out of the box, and holds up when deployed.

My plan is now to combine the “let’s build contact form” repo and the Next + Supabase starter repo into a single deployed website.

This will give me most of the functionalities I need: there will still be a further issue of getting permission to send emails to different email holders (every provider takes steps to prevent their services being abused for sending out spam email), but that is a conceptually separate step that can wait.