1 Setting up Postgres

To set up T3, I need Prisma. To go through Prisma quick start, I need Postgres.

Postgres docs recommend downloading a binary for Macs. But this didn’t work for me: brew was much more straightforward.

Once the installation is done, it is easy to follow the tutorial at the start of the official docs.

2 What is the name of the Postgres database that my Prisma client is accessing?

The Prisma quick start is easy to follow.

One thing I am puzzled by is this.

  • My understanding is that Prisma is some kind of wrapper over Postgres. So that when I use Prisma to create a table and insert some data into it, I should be see the same data on the Postgres CLI.

  • But what is the name of the database that Prisma uses? The docs seems to suggest it is part of the database URL in the .env file. But for some reason while I can psql -s into the database using that name, I just cannot find data there.

But given everything else is working, I park that doubt and move on.

3 Video tutorial

I then returned to the video tutorial originally recommended to me. With the background knowledge above, it is easy to follow and trouble shoot and I am now at the third step.