I thought I would use Next and v0 to very quickly create a portfolio website.

With a degree of familiarity with Next, the process was straightforward:

  • Use npx create-next-app@latest to create a Next repository, choosing Typescript, Tailwind and App router.

  • Use v0 to make UI components. A LLM Chat interface is provided, and an npx command (in the format of npx shadcn@latest add "https://v0.dev/URL) is available to install the resulting component into the project.

  • Generating and tweaking one component at a time, from the largest, overall homepage component, down to the individual sections.

  • Deploy on Vercel, with a domain I previously bought.

In total, it took around 3-4 hours to get my website: which would be very difficult without the use of LLM!